Replacing Counter Intelligence POS software in your retail business

Counter Intelligence POS software has been around for a long time. It is comprehensive software that is used in a range of specialty retail situations. Today, it sits within the Kudos business operation.

Retailers using Counter Intelligence POS software pay to use the software with costs based on the number of terminals in use. Some retailers have expressed frustration that their pricing changes as their business changes, when capital is tight.

Tower Systems is grateful to offer an alternative to Counter Intelligence POS software. Tower Systems does not charge based on terminals in use. There is one low fee for as many terminals in a business that you want or need.

When it comes to customer support and Counter Intelligence POS software the Tower Systems alternative is, we think appreciated and valuable. Our service is human, easily accessed and not capped.

If you want extra training, you can get extra training.

If you want documentation, you can search 600+ knowledge base articles and often find what you need.

If you want to talk through a query with someone, you can pick up the phone and do this, and get to answers you want that help inform your business decisions.

It is this easy access to local customer service that specialty retailers like from the Tower Systems POS software offering.

Counter Intelligence POS software is used in many different business situations, some of which Tower Systems does not cover with its software. Our advice to any retailer considering moving from Counter Intelligence POS software is do your homework, thoroughly research alternative POS software solutions to see which of the products out there matches and surpasses what you have today. if you find it, terrific. if you do not find it, make the most of what you have today.

When considering the right POS software for your business, while the software functionality is important, so, too, is the ease of access to customer service for it is being able to learn what you need to learn to make good use of the software that can really matter in a business. It is this knowledge that can unlike the value of the POS software. This is where we think the tower Systems POS solution could be more useful for retailers over the Counter Intelligence POS software from what customers tell us.

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